Hydropower in Asia

Hydroelectric power generation has been increasing across the globe but nowhere in the last 12  months added more hydropower than Asia and China leads the way. 

According to a report from the International Hydropower Association, the worldwide installed capacity of commissioned hydropower plants rose to 1,267 gigawatts (GW) last year. The world prevented approximately 4 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases – and avoided a 10 per cent rise in global emissions from fossil fuels and industry – according to analysis by IHA. It also avoided 148 million tonnes of air polluting particulates, 62 million tonnes of sulphur dioxide, and 8 million tonnes of nitrogen oxide from being emitted.

Hydropower is clean and renewable
The report shows that growth in hydropower in 2017 was fastest in East Asia and the Pacific, with 9.8 GW of capacity added, followed by South America (4.1 GW), South and Central Asia (3.3 GW), Europe (2.3 GW), Africa (1.9 GW) and North and Central America (0.5 GW). Hydropower’s growth is an obvious benefit for the environment.

China consolidated its status as the world’s largest producer of hydroelectric power, accounting for nearly half of global added installed capacity at 9.1 GW. It was followed by Brazil (3.4 GW), India (1.9 GW), Portugal (1.1 GW) and Angola (1.0 GW).