The Power Of Women Travelers

Travel is a universal human desire, but it is also a gendered one. Women have different motivations, preferences, and challenges than men when it comes to exploring the world. Women’s travel is not a new phenomenon, but a long and rich tradition that spans across cultures and times. From the ancient Roman goddesses of travel, such as Abeona and Adiona, who protected the outward and return journeys of travelers, to Kuan Yin, the Buddhist goddess of compassion and the patron of travel, to Chammo Lam Lha a goddess from Tibet, who rode on a queen bee and ensured peaceful travel, women have always sought to connect with themselves and others through travel. 

In this article, we will look at the importance of women to the travel industry and how they travel differently from men.

How Do Women Travel?
Women travel smarter, more authentically and with more of a purpose compared to male travelers.

Michelle, 29, a social worker from Osaka, Japan loves to travel with her friends or family and volunteer for different causes. She likes to stay in eco-friendly accommodations and support local communities and businesses. She has volunteered in over 20 countries and plans to volunteer more in the future. “Traveling with a purpose has made me a better person. I can help others, make a difference, and learn from them. I can also appreciate what I have, be more grateful, and be more compassionate. Traveling with a purpose has taught me to be more generous, humble, and kind.”

The Importance of Women

Women are the driving force for growth in the travel and tourism sector worldwide. They make 80% of all travel decisions, regardless of who they travel with, where they go, or who pays for the trip, according to a report by the World Tourism Organization and UN Women. They also have a spending power of $15 trillion and are expected to spend $125 billion on travel in 2022, according to a study by Frost & Sullivan and Amadeus. Women account for 54% of the tourism workforce globally and earn 14.7% less than men, which is lower than the wage gap in the broader economy, according to a report by the World Bank.

Women are not only traveling more, but they are also looking for authentic travel experiences that allow them to immerse themselves in the local culture and learn from others around the world, according to a survey by Authentic travel is not about following a pre-packaged itinerary or staying in a tourist bubble. It’s about engaging with the people, places, and stories that make each destination unique and meaningful, according to a blog post by Intrepid Travel.

Women travel differently than men in many ways. They are more likely to travel solo, with friends, or with family than with a romantic partner. They are more interested in sightseeing, shopping, cultural activities, and wellness than in adventure or sports. They are more concerned about safety, health, and social issues than men. They are more influenced by social media, word-of-mouth, and online reviews than by traditional advertising. They are more likely to shop for locally-made goods, support women-owned businesses, and volunteer for social causes than men, according to a report by Skift and The International Ecotourism Society.

Julie, 42, a sales executive from Singapore prefers to travel solo and explore new places with her camera and sketchbook. She likes to stay in hostels or couchsurf with locals and learn about their culture and lifestyle. She has visited over 30 countries and plans to visit more in the future “Traveling solo has given me so much freedom and confidence. I can go wherever I want, whenever I want, and do whatever I want. I can also meet new people, make new friends, and have amazing experiences. Traveling solo has taught me to be more independent, adaptable, and creative.”

Women’s travel preferences reflect their values, aspirations, and challenges. They want to travel with a purpose, to connect with themselves and others, to learn and grow, and to have fun and relax. They also want to overcome barriers, such as discrimination, harassment, violence, and lack of access to opportunities, that limit their freedom and potential. They want to empower themselves and other women through travel.

Women’s travel is not a niche or a trend. It is a powerful and positive force that can transform the world. By traveling, women can discover new perspectives, challenge stereotypes, break boundaries, and create change. They can also contribute to the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of the places they visit and the people they meet. Women’s travel is the future of travel.