What Employers Want In A Job Candidate: What Skills Are You Missing?

It’ a strange job market around the world. Employers are saying they can’t find enough candidates while job seekers are having a hard time finding a good job. The best way to ensure you’re able to move forward in your career is to have the skills companies are looking for. And that’s what this article is about.

In almost every job search, you will be asked to list your qualifications and attributes as a candidate. What are your strengths? What sets you apart from other candidates? What are your special skills that will give you an edge in the job market? In most cases, this can feel quite artificial and somewhat forced. Why would an employer want to know what your favorite color is or what your pet cat’s name is? It doesn’t really have any bearing on whether or not you’re suited for the job. But, of course, there is method to their madness. When it comes to hiring new employees, companies aren’t just looking for someone who is nice and a good fit socially; they need someone who has specific skills and abilities that can directly impact the company in a positive way.

The Importance Of Having Skills

Before you can even hope to land a new job, you need to be equipped with the skills employers are looking for. These are the abilities that will allow you to do the job well and make the most impact. If you’re missing these skills, you’re not likely to get hired, even if you’re a great cultural fit and have the right education and experience. So, it’s important to know which skills employers are looking for and to make sure you have them. Every industry and sector has its own unique set of skills and qualifications. In some cases, they may vary greatly from one place to the next. For example, a job posting for a graphic designer position in the marketing industry may advertise for someone with strong photography skills and design experience. That same position in the engineering field may look for someone with CAD skills and a background in computer programming.

Which Skills Are Most Important?

Generally, the most important skills to have for any given job are the ones that are most closely related to the core functions of that role. So, if you’re applying for a job as a software developer, you’ll want to make sure you have programming skills and are familiar with coding languages. If you’re applying for a job as a marketing manager, you’ll want to make sure you have marketing expertise. But core skills aren’t the only things employers are looking for. Employers also want to know that you can bring added value to the company. They want to know you are a talented and capable person who can make a difference. So, aside from core skills, there are a few additional skills that most employers are looking for in every candidate. Strong communication skills – In almost every job, strong communication skills are essential. You need to be able to clearly and concisely convey your ideas in both verbal and written form. You also need to be able to understand and respond appropriately to others’ communication. Strong critical thinking skills – You need to be able to think about a problem and come up with a solution that is both logical and achievable. You need to be able to analyze a situation and find the best path forward.

Strive To Build These Skills

These are the skills that employers are always looking for. You should actively try to improve these skills in your day-to-day life. Even before you’re actively job searching, you can start to develop these skills. Take some time to reflect on your daily routine and see where you can add in new activities that will help you grow. For example, if you want to improve your critical thinking skills, start reading a lot more. Read books and articles that deal with a variety of different topics, and try to critically analyze the points they make. If you want to improve your communication skills, try to make more of an effort to talk to people you don’t know on a regular basis. Join a club or start attending meet-ups to meet new people and make new friends.


Employers want to hire people who have the skills to do the job well, plain and simple. It doesn’t matter if you’re a perfect cultural fit if you don’t have the skills to do the job well. First, you need to figure out which skills you currently have and which skills you are missing. Then, make an effort to actively improve and build your skills. Even the smallest improvements can make a big difference in your career.